Golden Circle

Exclusively directly behind the Art on Ice stage in the Hallenstadion.



Aperitif · Exclusive three-course dinner incl. drinks and Bindella wines · Intermission refreshments · After-show party with DJ, midnight and dessert buffet and drinks · Free ice skating in the Hallenstadion · 8 tickets in the Business Seats category · 4 parking tickets trade fair car park · Cloakroom service


CHF 7’600

For a table for 8 people (excl. VAT)

Art on Ice Golden Circle


5.00 pm   Aperitif at the tables in the stage area


5.30 pm   VIP 3-course dinner in the stage area


8.00 pm   Art on Ice Show


9.00 pm   Refreshments in the stage area


10.45 pm   After-show party with the stars of the evening, DJ, midnight and dessert buffet


02.00 am  Official end

Art on Ice Golden Circle

Order form

CHF 7'600.00
CHF 7'600.00
CHF 7'600.00

Oder overview

CHF 0.00

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